"cloning your horse" の検索結果 164 件

  1. 2019年11月17日にホテルカデンツァ東京で演奏した Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    2019年11月17日にホテルカデンツァ東京で演奏した Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

    2019年11月17日にホテルカデンツァ東京で演奏した Smoke Gets In Your Eyes です。この曲もジャズを知らない人もなぜか知っている有名曲です。イメージ通りのバラードで演奏していますが、サビの部分がb6度へ転調するので、アドリブをするときは結構気を使う曲ではあります。b6度へ転調する曲って他にあるかなー?なんだかあんまり見ない気がします。あ、 In A Sentimen...

  2. Top 10 Most Intelligent Dogs in the World

    Top 10 Most Intelligent Dogs in the World

    Although many people think that they have the smartest dogs in the world, that is not true. There are many different breeds of dogs in this world, each of which has different personality traits. In...

  3. What are the Technical Difficulties of Animal Cloning?

    What are the Technical Difficulties of Animal Cloning?

    What Is Animal Cloning? Many pet owners or related practitioners may have questions like this: "Since you can clone dogs and cats, it should be easy to clone other animals, right?" "...

  4. The World's First Cloned Cat Died at the Age of 18

    The World's First Cloned Cat Died at the Age of 18

    When Was the First Cat Cloned?In March 2020, CC, the world's first cloned cat, died in University Town, Texas.CC is an abbreviation for copycat cloned cat. According to veterinary and biomedic...

  5. Tips and Advise

    Tips and Advise

    Cloning Tips and Advise In unusual situations, it is possible that your pet can die before genetic preservation or collection of biopsy. However, you can preserve the gene of your pet by collecting...

  6. Horse Cloning

    Horse Cloning

    Science has made possible to genetically replicate a horse by the horse cloning process. Sinogene biotechnology company provides an opportunity to protect the elite horse genetics by offering genet...

  7. Sinogene and the Cloned Police Dog

    Sinogene and the Cloned Police Dog

    In the blink of an eye, the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games are about to start. In the event of "escorting the Winter Olympics and ensuring safety", some special f...

  8. Dog Cloning

    Dog Cloning

    Even after advances in veterinary medicine, your beloved dog will not live forever. Sinogene China focus on the science of dog cloning which presents an opportunity for owners of dogs to extend the...

  9. 2/15追加【Find Your YOKOHAMA】リニューアルした横浜マリンタワー展望フロア&爽快クルージングとYOKOHAMAAIRCABIN体験

    2/15追加【Find Your YOKOHAMA】リニューアルした横浜マリンタワー展望フロア&爽快クルージングとYOKOHAMAAIRCABIN体験

    2/15追加【Find Your YOKOHAMA】リニューアルした横浜マリンタワー展望フロア&爽快クルージングとYOKOHAMAAIRCABIN体験◆Find Your YOKOHAMAキャンペーン対象ご旅行代金【平日】50%助成◆大人:旅行代金11,000円、横浜市助成額5,500円=お支払い実額 5,500円!●横浜中華街にて中華点心のオーダーバイキング!

  10. 2/14追加【Find Your YOKOHAMA】横濱元町霧笛楼の「横濱フレンチ」&横浜山手西洋館と芸術祭の鑑賞さんぽツアー

    2/14追加【Find Your YOKOHAMA】横濱元町霧笛楼の「横濱フレンチ」&横浜山手西洋館と芸術祭の鑑賞さんぽツアー

    2/14追加【Find Your YOKOHAMA】横濱元町霧笛楼の「横濱フレンチ」&横浜山手西洋館と芸術祭の鑑賞さんぽツアー◆Find Your YOKOHAMAキャンペーン対象ご旅行代金50%助成◆大人:旅行代金13,200円、横浜市助成額6,600円=お支払い実額 6,600円!日本のおもてなしの心で完成させる和魂洋才な一皿。この地の歴史と共に歩む町のレストランとして、四季折々の各地の...

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